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Lpxu~u tp|u~yu

1 Lazernoe_wpst [2024/08/19(Mon) 16:56]
Htprrzu! Mu~ xr Yup{r _yz Irp~ry, rp-{}u|s }~s|u~y} } pq r q|py uyu{z }utyy~. Ruzp ru ~p rpy r y p{pw |ux~z y~}pyuz tp|u~yy py||} } |pxup. M u| } rp} ~, {p{ quxp~ y u{yr~ yxqpry py||} y {p{yu uy}urp y}uu |pxu~u tp|u~yu.

Kp{yu qu~~y y}uu |pxu~u tp|u~yu py||} wy| |tuz?
T wy| |tuz {wp }wu q q|uu rryu|~z y {|~~z { }ut|u~~} xpwyr|u~y. Py rutu~yy ut |pxu~s tp|u~y py||} wy| pyu~r rpw~ yrp y qu~~y y s |utrp u{}u~tpy} rpp t| }y~y}yxpyy y{r y {u~y up xpwyr|u~y.
What are the features of laser removal of papillomas in elderly people?
In elderly people, the skin may be more sensitive and prone to slow healing. When performing laser removal of papillomas in elderly patients, it is important to consider these features and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations to minimize risks and speed up the healing process.

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