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Lpxu~u tp|u~yu

1 Lazernoe_brst [2024/08/18(Sun) 03:07]
Htprrzu! Mu~ xr Yup{r _yz Irp~ry, rp-{}u|s }~s|u~y} } pq r q|py uyu{z }utyy~. Ruzp ru ~p rpy xp y p{pw |ux~z y~}pyuz tp|u~yy py||} } |pxup. M u| } rp} ~, {p{ quxp~ y u{yr~ yxqpry py||} y {p{yu uy}urp y}uu |pxu~u tp|u~yu.

X p{u |pxu~u tp|u~yu py||} y {p{ ~ rty?
Lpxu~u tp|u~yu py||} utp, y {z y|xu |pxu t| tp|u~y ~rqpxrp~yz ~p {wu, rxrp~~ ry} py||} u|ru{p (BPX). Lpxu~z | ~ppr|u ~p py||}, rxrpu uu ypu~yu y pxu~yu. Putp rty t }u~z p~uuxyuz y xp~y}pu ~u{|{y }y~ t |pp r xpryy}y {|yurp y px}up py||}.
What is laser removal of papillomas and how is it performed?
Laser removal of papillomas is a procedure that uses a laser to remove skin growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The laser beam is directed at the papilloma, causing it to vaporize and disintegrate. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the number and size of the papillomas.

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