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Lpxu~u tp|u~yu

1 Lazernoe_jfPl [2024/07/20(Sat) 22:40]
Htprrzu! Mu~ xr Yup{r _yz Irp~ry, rp-{}u|s }~s|u~y} } pq r q|py uyu{z }utyy~. Rust~ ru ~p rpy r y p{pw |ux~z y~}pyuz |pxu~} tp|u~yy py||}. M u| } rp} ~, {p{ quxp~ y u{yr~ yxqpry py||} y {p{yu uy}urp y}uu |pxu~u tp|u~yu.

Kp{ q rp~ry |u |pxu~s tp|u~y py||}

Mw~ |y tp| py||} |pxu} t}p? - Ttp|u~yu py||} |pxu} t|w~ rty {rp|yyyrp~~} uyp|y} r }utyy~{y |ry t| quuu~y quxp~y y u{yr~y.
Can papillomas be removed with a laser at home? - Laser removal of papillomas should be performed by a qualified specialist in a medical setting to ensure safety and effectiveness.
stu r }{ru tp|y py||} https://laserwartremoval.ru/ .

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