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Lpxu~u tp|u~yu

1 Lazernoe_dpPr [2024/07/17(Wed) 22:57]

Kp{r y{y |pxu~s tp|u~y py||}?
Qy{y |pxu~s tp|u~y py||} }y~y}p|~, ~ r{|p rx}w~ y~u{yy, qpxrp~y qr, yx}u~u~y ys}u~pyy {wy y p||usyu{y up{yz ~p p~uuxy. Rq|tu~yu ru u{}u~tpyz rpp y pry|~z t xp qpqp~~z q|p }sp }y~y}yxyrp y y{y.
What are the risks of laser removal of papillomas?
The risks of laser removal of papillomas are minimal but include the possibility of infection, scarring, changes in skin pigmentation, and allergic reactions to anesthesia. Following all doctor's recommendations and proper care of the treated area help minimize these risks.

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