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1 Botulinote_jiMr [2024/07/15(Mon) 12:24]
B y ru q|y~upyy
Orupu t{ }utyy~{y ~p{, rp-{}u|s / tu}p|s Yup{rp Sp~p By{r~p.

A|y~upy p t }{p}y

Pp}{p |u q|y~upyy

"Kp{p y~}py t|w~p q r p}{u t| pyu~p |u q|y~upyy?". "Pp}{p t|w~p tuwp u{}u~tpyy t, sp~yu~y y rx}w~u q~u u{."/"What information should be included in a post-botulin therapy patient memo?". "The memo should include care recommendations, restrictions, and possible side effects."
|w~u~y q|y~upyy r {}u|syy https://www.botulinum-therapy.botox.life/ .

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