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Lpxu~u tp|u~yu

1 Lazernoe_cyPr [2024/07/14(Sun) 03:43]

Ms |y py||} ry ~rp |u tp|u~y |pxu}?
V |pxu~u tp|u~yu u{yr~ p~u uryu py||}, ry, rxrpyz y, }wu prp r sp~yx}u. ^ x~ppu, uru ru~ r~s r|u~y py||}, qu~~ u|y ~u q|tp y|p{yu{yu }u, p{yu {p{ {u|u~yu y}}~~z yu} y ttuwp~yu sysyu~.
Can papillomas reappear after laser removal?
While laser removal effectively eliminates existing papillomas, the virus causing them can remain in the body. This means there is a possibility of papillomas reappearing, especially if preventive measures such as strengthening the immune system and maintaining hygiene are not followed.

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