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1 akne_teOi [2024/07/03(Wed) 20:30]

Kp{yu }y ur q p{~u? - Ot~y yx }yr r{|p ru r , p{~u rxrp~ |z sysyu~z, uq|u~yu} wy~z yy y|y ~utp~} }rp~yu} |yp; y p{ }s qrrp, ~ ~u r| }}y yy~p}y.
What myths exist about acne? - Common myths include the belief that acne is caused by poor hygiene, eating greasy foods, or not washing the face enough; these factors can contribute but are not direct causes.
p{~u |uu~yu p~yqyy{p}y p{~u |uu~yu p~yqyy{p}y .

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